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5.01 The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of the founding members of the Society. The Board of Trustees shall be entrusted to ensure the continued growth and viability of the Society. They shall keep records of all communications (legal, financial and otherwise) of the Society and shall provide facilities for ongoing administration of the Society. They shall retain the custody of all documents of title and valuable papers. Operational and managerial activities will be the purview of the Executive Committee and their appointees. However, in matters affecting the growth or survivorship of the Society, the Board of Trustees may intervene to provide direction and to ensure solvency and viability of the Society.

5.02 Officers of the Society shall be President, Secretary/President-Elect, Treasurer, and Past-President.

5.03 Election. Election of Officers and Committee Chairs shall be held at the annual business meeting of the Society based on a majority vote of the Individual Members present and voting shall be required for election to any office. Voting shall not be cumulative, and if there are more than two candidates for one office, plurality vote of the Individual Members present, and voting shall be sufficient for election to such office.

5.04 Nominations. Prior to each annual meeting of the Society, the Executive Committee, acting on the recommendation of its Nominating Committee, shall nominate an Individual Member for each vacancy which shall occur commencing with the date of the annual meeting and shall cause the names of all nominees to be included in the official notice of such annual meeting (see Section 3.04). Other nominations may be made by an electronic or written petition signed by not less than five Individual Members and filed with the Executive Committee not less than sixty days prior to the date of the annual meeting.

5.05 President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, shall be Chair of the Executive Committee and subject to the supervision of the Executive Committee, shall have the general management charge and control of all the affairs of the Society and shall be its chief executive Officer. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Committees of the Society, at which he/she shall be present. The President shall hold office for one year at which time he/she will be succeeded by the President-Elect. The President may not hold the office of President-Elect while being President. The President shall hold office for one term only and may not be re-elected.

5.06 President-Elect/Secretary. The President-Elect/Secretary shall assume the duties and the responsibilities of the President if his/her office is vacated either by expiration of the term of President or for any other reason. He/she will also serve as the Secretary of the Society and shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of all business meetings of the Society as well as other required meetings. He/she shall give notice of meetings to the members and the Executive Committee and shall perform all duties commonly incident to this office. He/she shall also be responsible for distribution of appropriate material to members of the Society. The term of office shall be one year, at which time he/she will be succeeded by the Treasurer. The President-Elect/Secretary shall hold office for one term only and may not be re-elected. . In the event of the absence of the Secretary from any meeting of the members or Executive Committee, the meeting may appoint a temporary Secretary to keep records and perform such other duties as the meeting may prescribe. He/she shall also perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by either the President or the Executive Committee.

5.07 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall assume the duties and the responsibilities of the President-Elect/Secretary if his/her office is vacated either by expiration of the term of President-Elect/Secretary or for any other reason. The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, regular books of accounts which shall be open at all times to the inspection of any Member of the Executive Committee. He/she shall report to the Executive Committee and the membership on the financial condition of the Society. The Treasurer will also serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee. The term of office shall be one year, at which time he/she will be succeeded by a member chosen as detailed in sections 5.05 and 5.06 above. The Treasurer shall hold office for one term only and may not be re-elected..

5.08 Past President. The past President shall serve on the Executive Committee and perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Executive Committee. The term of office shall be one year.

5.09 Miscellaneous Duties and Powers. In addition to the foregoing specifically enumerated Officers, duties and powers, the Officers of the Society shall be charged with such other duties and shall have such other powers as may be delegated to them by the Executive Committee or imposed upon them by law.

5.10 Vacancies. In case a vacancy shall occur for any cause in any Committee and such vacancy involves a Member appointed by the President, the President may fill such vacancy by appointment. In case any vacancy shall occur, for any cause, in any Committee Chairship or other office, the Executive Committee may fill such vacancy by the affirmative vote of the majority of its members. Any such vacancy may also be filled by the Individual Members at any meeting unless such vacancy shall have been previously filled by the Executive Committee. In case a vacancy may occur on any Committee by a Member appointed by the Committee Chair, the Committee Chair may appoint another Committee Member. Any person so elected or appointed to fill such a vacancy shall serve only until the office or Committee Membership would regularly be filled or until a qualified successor is chosen.

5.11 Resignation. Any Committee Member or Officer may resign his/her Committee Chairship or office at any time by delivering his/her resignation electronically or in writing to the President or Executive Committee.

A resignation shall be effective by receipt or upon such later date as shall be specified in the resignation and an acceptance of a resignation by the Executive Committee shall not be necessary to make it effective unless so stated in the resignation.

5.12 Restrictions. No Officer of the Society may hold more than one office at any one time. Officers of the Society may hold positions as Committee Chair concurrently with the position of Officer but may only cast one vote on each Executive Committee matter.


: + 1 323 342 6459

E-mail: mkim@intris.org


IntRIS was formed in 2017 as a non-profit membership organization, classified by the IRS as a 501(c)6.
Our mailing address is 150 N. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91103
Tax ID number and IRS form W-9 will be provided on request.

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